Working in healthcare isn’t easy. We consistently rank as one of the highest professions for workplace injuries. And workplace violence. It’s no wonder 4% of nurses and LPNS left in the last year. Another several hundred thousand plan to leave in the next few years.
This article is going to go over some of the most common occupational hazards and how you can leave them all behind as a nurse writer.
Workplace Violence
It seems like every few months there’s another hospital shooting. But it doesn’t even need to be that extreme. We all know someone who’s been abused by a patient. Either physically or verbally. It still matters.
It’s important to acknowledge that being sick does not excuse anyone from treating their caretaker in an abusive manner. But it happens. All the time.
But as a writer, you don’t need to deal with anyone you don’t want to. If you’re a freelancer, you can walk away from any abusive clients. And your risk of being physically abused in a remote environment by a client is slim to none.
Back Injuries
When I was at my last job, my coworker herniated a disk lifting a patient. She complained to me about listing a particular patient everyday. She said she could feel it in her back. She asked for a hoyer, but they said no. She asked for a slide board, but there wasn’t one. She was out for 3 months and needed surgery. All because she wasn’t given the resources she needed to safely do her job.
The repetitive movements in nursing can cause wear and tear on your body. And your long shifts back to back don’t give your body the time it needs to rest from the mechanical stress. Add that with poor sleep, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
When you’re working from home as a writer, you don’t have to worry about heavy lifting. You’ll have all the tools you need to do your job. If you go for a walk, it’ll be because you want to, not because you have 22 patients to look after. That’s the freedom of nurse writing.
The stress of being a professional caregiver is enormous. You have to be at your best when your patients are at their worst. And you have to do it all while having patient after patient after patient.
Chronic stress builds on itself day in and day out. You miss time with your family as you work holidays and weekends. Missed soccer games and dance recitals fly by while you’re working your 12-hour shifts.
Chronic stress leads to burnout. Burnout is an occupational mental health disorder tracked by OSHA. Burnout is a deep stress state that causes exhaustion, feelings of helplessness, and resentfulness. Up to 62% of nurses will experience burnout.
When you’re working as a nurse writer from home, you’re setting your own hours and boundaries. Do you need a day off? Take one! Ready for a vacation? Pack your bags, you deserve it.
Are there stressful moments? Sure there are. But it’s the difference between having a regularly stressful job and a soul-crushing job.
No one said working at the bedside was easy. But you don’t have to stay there, and it’s not you’re only option. You’re not less of a nurse by seeking out other employment options. You don’t need to be a nursing martyr.
Writing can be your way out. You can work remotely and create your own environment. Wave goodbye to chronic stress, needle sticks, and back injuries.